Pseudocode, flow charts and structure diagram are techniques that are used to design software. These allow data flow, constructs and variables to be identified before coding begins.
At the design phase, programmers will consider the purpose and functional requirements identified during the analysis phase. The functional requirements will be used to create a series of steps that can be converted to code during implementation.
It is necessary to be able to read, understand, describe and identify each of the following design techniques:
structure diagramA visual technique which repeatedly breaks problem into smaller, more manageable tasks.
flowchartAlso known as a flow diagram. A diagram that shows the step-by-step flow of an algorithm.
pseudocodeA text-based design notation showing the main steps and stepwise refinement. Pseudocode is English-like but is structured in a way that clearly identifies constructs.
It is also necessary to be able to create the design for a given problem using one of the above techniques.