
Comparing numbers

We can compare amounts using these mathematical symbols.

More than symbol
Image caption,
More than symbol
Less than symbol
Image caption,
Less than symbol
Equals symbol
Image caption,
Equals symbol

Greater than and less than are known as inequalities.

= is known as an equality and means equal to or the same as.

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Example 1

Jess and JJ each have a jar of sweets. Jess has 234 sweets in her jar and JJ has 175. Can you compare how many sweets they have?

Complete the statement below using the symbols >, < or =.

234 ____ 175

Let's compare these numbers using a place value table.

Place value chart with hundreds tens and ones showing 234 and 175.

We can see straight away in the first column that 234 has more hundreds than 175 so without looking at the other columns we know:

234 >175

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Example 2

Complete the statement below using the symbols >, < or =:

301 ____ 365

In this example the hundreds are the same so we take a look at the tens next.

301 has less tens than 365 so we can say:

301 < 365

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Example 3

An illustration of a young girl pointing.

Which symbol < or > should go in the gap?

9732 __ 9723

Both numbers use the same digits. Look carefully at each place value column.

9732 has 9 thousands, 7 hundreds, 3 tens and 2 ones.

9723 has 9 thousands, 7 hundreds, 2 tens and three ones.

Since both numbers have the same amount of thousands and hundreds, you have to look at the tens to decide which has a larger amount - 9732!

9732 > 9723

An illustration of a young girl pointing.
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Example 4

Which is the second smallest number here?


All numbers are in the 6 thousands, so you should look at the hundreds column to help you order them from smallest to largest.

Since two of them have the same amount of hundreds and tens, look at the ones to compare.


Now they are in ascending order, you can see that 6129 is the second smallest number in the list.

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Activity 1

Practise what you have learned with this quiz.

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Activity 2

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More on Place value

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