
What is a fraction?

A fraction tells you how many parts of a whole you have. Fractions are shown by having one number on top of another, for example:

1/2 showing numerator and denominator

There are two parts to a fraction:

  • The number on top, called the numerator, shows how many parts you have (1 in this example).
  • The number on the bottom, called the denominator, shows how many parts something has been divided equally into (2 in this example).
Pizza cut into halves
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What is a half?

A half, or \( \frac{1}{2} \), means '1 part of something that has been divided into 2 equal parts'.

If you add two halves together you get one whole.

\( \frac{1}{2} \) + \( \frac{1}{2} = 1\)

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Watch: Halves

Listen to this fun song to learn more about halves.

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Finding half of an amount

A boy thinking

When finding half of an amount, it is the same as dividing by 2.

Instead of drawing an array for larger numbers, which would take a very long time, use your 2 times-table instead.

Example 1

What is half of 22

How many 2s are in 22?

22 梅 2 = 11

A boy thinking
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Example 2

What is half of 44?

It could take you a while to count up in twos until you reached 44, but you can still easily divide using Base 10 sticks.

Here is 44 in base 10:

4 tens sticks and 4 ones counters

Now share the 44 into 2 equal groups:

Half of 44 is 22.

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Example 3

What is half of 62?

You can use Base 10 to help you again.

6 tens sticks and 2 ones counters

Now share the sticks and cubes into two equal groups:

Half of 64 is 32.

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Experience Mathematica as you鈥檝e never seen it before, with all-new backgrounds and costumes for Halloween. Available for a limited time only. Use your maths skills to save the day before it's too late!

NEW! Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - the Halloween update
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