Research - VR Barriers - Barriers
Barriers Browser
View and explore barriers in VR grouped by impairment.
This page is the canonical reference for the VR Barriers analysis. This analysis represents ~1700 observations from over 100 research participants. The raw barriers data can also be downloaded, however this document is more useful.
1 Motor Barriers
These barriers relate to movement and motion.
1.1 Holding
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to grasp a controller and then hold it:
1.1.1 - For an extended period
1.1.2 - In a consistent location
1.1.3 - In a consistent orientation
1.2 Orientation
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to:
1.2.1 - Orientate a motion controller accurately and precisely
1.2.1 - Point the controller at a target
1.3 Press & Hold
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to:
1.3.1 - hold a button down for an extended period.
1.3.1 - Combined holding and moving
1.4 Multiple input
This barrier occurs when an experience requires:
1.4.1 - Concurrent use of multiple inputs on one or more controllers
1.4.2 - Concurrent use of multiple controllers
1.4.2 - Coordinated use of multiple controllers
1.5 Reach & Balance
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to:
1.5.1 - Reach objects around them
1.5.2 - Reach the floor
1.5.3 - Maintain balance
2 Cognitive Barriers
2.1 Comprehension
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to understand unexplained aspects of the environment in order too:
2.1.1 - Determine what is possible. 2.1.2 - Determine what is interactive. 2.1.3 - Determine the next action
2.2 Expectation
This barrier occurs when an experience breaks a users expectation such as:
2.2.1 - Expected sounds, shadows. 2.2.2 - Expected bodily representation like hands / legs etc. 2.2.3 - Unexpected placing the user into a simulated unsafe situation.
2.3 Way Finding
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to route across an environment to reach a specific point
2.3.1 - Navigating from one place to another 2.3.2 - Positioning in a specific location
2.4 Timing
This barrier occurs when an experience introduces a time limit relating to:
2.4.1 - Interactive elements 2.4.2 - Narrative events 2.4.3 - Gameplay decisions
2.5 Focus & Memory
This barrier occurs when an experience requires the user to remember information and direct their attention.
2.5.1 - Remembering controls, next steps, & location of items. 2.5.2 - Maintaining & targeting focus. 2.5.3 - Recovering from distraction.
2.6 Sensory
This barrier occurs when a mismatch occurs between the users sensory needs and aspects of the experience such as:
2.6.1 - Physical elements, such as headsets & controllers 2.6.2 - Content elements, such as sound, brightness, texture and movement
3 Low vision Barriers
4 Hearing Barriers
5 Research Barriers
accurately -
precisely -
concurrent -
coordinated -