"Smoking is nasty, dirty, anti-social and dangerous if it is
done with a high enough level of intake and often enough.
Im not
advocating smoking. What I am saying is that any statement we put
out to the public should be based on fact.
The most likely
toxic substances are likely to be the aromatic hydrocarbons and
the nitrosomenes. These either working alone or in conjunction with
any other chemical can cause cancer. For that reason we shouldnt
smoke. But to bring up these other substances is nonsense.
One wonders if
these health experts whose salary is being paid to protect the public
arent more interested in scaremongering than research for
the truth.
You can stop people
smoking by education, scaremongering isnt the right way. The
general public are intelligent and if you give them the truth they
will heed the warnings.
Stop throwing
silly names at them to scare them! It doesnt work".