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Jamilah Tangaza

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Jamila Tangaza - Hausa

Where did you travel for your programmes?

How long were you away for in total?
3 weeks

Are you going back for this project?
Yes, in March or April.

Were you moved or upset at any point on your recent trip?
Yes, particularly moved.

What caused you to feel like this?
People's generosity and will to carry on with life in spite of the harsh economic realities.

Was there anything that gave you hope?

What was it?
Their awareness that they can contribute towards bringing about positive changes in their lives.

Describe one of the people you interviewed and what they said.
A young energetic woman who said she's currently engaged in various trades like sewing and baking groundnut cakes so that she becomes financially independent. Dependency, she says, is the reason why many of her womenfolk face the wrath and threats of being thrown out of their homes by their husbands. If she is not financially dependent on her husband, she felt, he would have more respect for her.

Has your trip made you think any differently about human rights?

Every human being irrespective of sex, background, physical disabilities etc. has the absolute right to lead a dignified life.

Anything else you want to tell us?
I think my programmes will raise awareness particularly amongst uneducated people in Nigeria about their rights and make them begin to ask questions like whether the State authorities are protecting or violating some of their rights.


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