Updated: 20 July 2023
Remember that submissions you and other people post are personal views, not the 91Èȱ¬â€™s.
We love you posting comments and uploading creations. Thank you for joining in, but please don’t submit anything horrible, rude or illegal.
More specifically, please don’t submit anything that:
- Is inappropriate (abusive, offensive, hateful, etc). Note that we have a zero-tolerance approach to user-to-user personal abuse
- Is off topic (to the original subject matter or the ongoing conversation). This includes commenting for the purpose of derailing the conversation with the intention of discussing another topic
- Is disruptive or spoils the conversation for others when posted with disruptive intent
- Contains personal information (either your own or someone else’s)
- Puts children or other contributors at risk
- Is illegal, or glamorises or encourages illegal activity
- Is defamatory (damaging to someone else’s reputation)
- Is in contempt of court (anything that could affect the outcome of a court case)
- Is potentially harmful misinformation or disinformation
- Infringes anyone's rights (including privacy rights)
- Was made by someone else, or that copies someone else's creation
- Is posted for financial gain (advertising, sponsorship etc.)
- Isn’t in English (Welsh and Gaelic are currently not supported)
- Is spam or flooding (in other words, repeating similar or unwanted messages in a way that’s disruptive)
- Contains links to downloads (including PDFs), anything that might contain viruses, spyware, paywalls etc., or content that needs a log in
- Breaks our election and referendum rules during official campaigning periods. So no sloganeering, no polling, no encouraging others to vote a certain way and no mentions of who you voted for on polling day itself
- Impersonates someone else – especially another user – with disruptive intent
- Is posted from an account created to get around moderation restrictions or to cause disruption
- Doesn't otherwise comply with the rest of our Terms of Use
If you think a submission has broken these rules, please use the report feature within the submission. You shouldn’t report it just because you disagree with its views.
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