Giving your child's favourite doll a bath is a chance to build their vocabulary.
Watch the film below for ideas for how they can learn about their daily routines and body parts.
The benefits of bath time role play games with toddlers
- Role playing actions like bath time with toddlers helps them to better understand their daily routines
- It's a chance for them to reinforce the things they've heard from adults by playing the adult themselves. They act out the instructions and things you've said to them.
- It allows them to practise saying action words like 'wash' as well as words for body parts
- Playing with water is a lot of sensory fun for them as they get to splash around
How to talk through bath time with a dolly
- Use plenty of action words to describe what's going on as your child plays, like 'wash' and 'splash' and 'dry'
- Name the body parts as they wash them
- Give simple instructions like 'shall we wash baby's face?'
- Take turns doing the actions, say to them 'Mummy's turn to wash baby's legs' / 'Aubri's turn to wash baby's legs'
Role playing games with toddlers
Role play is great for reinforcing toddlers' understanding of their daily routines.
- You could set up a pretend shop game with them
- They could 'help you cook' a meal by pretending