When it comes to story time with a toddler, the more you put into it, the more they'll get out of it in terms of learning.
We challenged a group of families to make up stories together - watch below to see how they got on.
Why make up stories with kids?
- Making up stories helps your child to build their imagination.
- When making up stories you can use words for everyday things as well as less familiar words - whatever you and your child can come up with!
- It allows you and your child to get creative with actions, noises and voices.
How to make up stories with kids
- Let your child lead - what do they want the story to be about?
- Use props like toys and teddies - try letting your child choose which to use.
- Make noises, use silly voices and add in actions and sounds - these will all help your child to engage in the story and listen to you as you talk.
- If it's a bedtime story, gradually try and lower your tone to help calm them to sleep.
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