The celebrity bezzie mate and back stage reporter, Holly Walsh, presents The Wall Awards. Everyone wants one, but who will get one?
Whatever happens you can rely on Holly to deal with it in her usual professional manner.
Having a clearout? Got some old stuff lying around that you don't need anymore?
Why not do what Idiots of Ants did and put it on Ebay?
In the final What Frog? the wonderfully articulate giant green fact-finder struggles with a few words and their meanings.
If only someone from the public could help? After all, it is for the children…
High street stooge, Darren, battles with questions about double-barreled names and star signs.
Watch the final Street Quiz Challenge with Keith Cheggerswin. Who win? No one does. Ever.
Blimey, it’s eyebrow pencils at dawn. Aaron Maycupp dishes the dirt after giving Jimmy Carr a good going over in his chair. And then he fixes up his hair and make up...
What will What Frog? discover this week? He's back on the street armed with more words that need explaining to the kiddy-winks. Well, some of them do.
Cover your ears children…
The Lazy Pap has been sent to Notting Hill to photograph Pete Doherty but you know what… he can’t be arsed.
Last one izzet? He's the ultimate in in-car entertainment. Watch Tony Izzet on his last journey round town for The Wall.
Look out for him in a traffic jam near you.
Street Quiz decoy, Darren, finally finds someone thicker than him in the penultimate instalment of Street Quiz Challenge with Keith Chegwin.
Keith Chegwin.
Never heard of him.
Mr Izzet, izzet? Tony spies a 'prince' and unbelievably, a man getting some money out. It's all go on the mean streets of the capital and nothing happens without him saying it.
What? A frog? That’s right children, What Frog? is back.
Everything you ever wanted to know (and didn’t) about the English language tackled head-on by a giant frog and an unsuspecting member of the public.
More important online news, Boris Johnson, Prince Philip and Kate Thornton suffer from buffering blunders. Â Â Â
We interrupt this website to bring you some very important news, this sketch is about jokes and brings you fresh shi....ny gags.
Idiot of Ants, riding the phenomenal wave of success that is Facebloke, bring you Internet Man. Think you know how the internet works? Think again, the secret and highly technical workings of the web are finally revealed.
Tony Izzet's at it again izzet? Pointing out blokes dressed by their mums and running round town in his car finding merriment in the surroundings.
The Mobile Phoney guy has got a certain something that nobody wants and he's not afraid to tell unsuspecting strangers just how easily they could catch it...
Polly, sorry, Holly Walsh interviews her great showbiz friend Christopher Biggins in his pants. That's right, celebs just love her...
Meet Licence to Bill, a man on a mission to hand out tickets to unsuspecting offenders of non-existent crimes. Remember, if you walk down the high street make sure you're not listening to Ambient music, in fact don't listen to it anywhere. Ever.
Tony Izzet driving in his car again izzet? Yet another instalment from the mobile social commentator as he takes on parenting and what the kids get up to after school.
After a terrible accident Nathan Caton finds he is the only black man left in London. But he struggles on bravely in an attempt to find poultry solace.
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