
5: A trap for Banquo

The day of Macbeth's coronation is to end with a great banquet to which all the nobles are invited. But Lady Macbeth is starting to have second thoughts about her actions and wonders what else Macbeth may be planning.

On their return to Dunsinane Banquo and Fleance are intercepted by the two assassins. Banquo is killed but Fleance escapes.

At the banquet Macbeth admonishes the two assassins for their incompetence. Lady Macbeth beckons him back to the table but when Macbeth returns he sees his place filled by the ghostly spectre of Banquo. Lady Macbeth manages to convince Macbeth that he is merely seeing things; but when a toast for Banquo is proposed he sees the spectre again.

Lady Macbeth dismisses the guests while Macbeth, mindful that Macduff has stayed away from the banquet, plans a return visit to the Weird Sisters.

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Teacher Notes

This series provides various opportunities to meet Key Stage 2 National Curriculum requirements, including study of a significant author, reading techniques such as prediction, drawing inferences, clarification and summary; and drama and writing opportunities - including poetry performance, descriptive writing, persuasive writing, letter writing, newspaper article writing, poetry and play scripts.

It could be used as an introduction to the play, consolidation of key aspects or for revision of the plot and characters.

More detail on how to use this series, including detailed lesson plans, can be found in the Teacher's Notes PDF.

Information and guidance on using the content

Teacher's Notes (pdf)

This series is relevant for teaching English at KS2, in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, and at Second Level in Scotland.

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4. All Hail, Macbeth! King of Scotland! video

Duncan's murder is discovered; Malcolm and Donalbain flee, while Macbeth is crowned king.

4. All Hail, Macbeth! King of Scotland!

6. Something wicked this way comes. video

Macbeth returns to the Weird Sisters. They tell him to beware of Macduff.

6. Something wicked this way comes

7. Preparing for battle. video

Malcolm and Macduff have raised an army and march north to confront Macbeth at Dunsinane.

7. Preparing for battle

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