The Norman Conquest is a six-part animated series that explores the key events of the battle for the throne in 1066 and how William the Conqueror secured power.
These short animated films might be suitable for teaching Key Stage 2 (teacher review is recommended prior to use in class), up to Key Stage 3, GCSE and National 4 and 5.
1066: The claimants to the throne (1/6) video
Edward the Confessor died in January 1066 without a son or heir. Who would be chosen to be king?
1066: The Battle of Fulford (2/6) video
In the first major battle of 1066, the Viking king of Norway, and Harold Godwinson's own brother Tostig, invade the north of England.
1066: The Battle of Stamford Bridge (3/6) video
The Battle of Stamford Bridge was the second major battle in the fight for the throne in 1066 and two of the four contenders were killed.
1066: The Battle of Hastings (4/6) video
William of Normandy arrives in Sussex for the decisive battle of the Norman Conquest.
1066: King William and Domesday Book (5/6) video
How William the Conqueror secured control over England.
1066: Revolt and resistance (6/6) video
How did the Anglo-Saxons resist Norman rule after 1066?
Where Next?
Hunting for History. collection
Dr Sam Caslin explores sources from The National Archives in Kew looking at their importance and using them to investigate key historical events.
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