
Video summary

This is Abbie's story about being bullied online. Her private messages are shared online. She does the right thing in telling a trusted adult about what had happened to her.

A question to think about after watching the film:

What could Abbie have done?

  • Blocked Tanya on her phone and any social media
  • Kept the evidence to share with her Headteacher
  • Continued to have a nice time with her other friend

More support and advice can be found with and .

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7 tips to beat cyberbullying. video

This article gives an explanation of what cyber-bullying is, why it happens, and what it feels like to be cyber-bullied.

7 tips to beat cyberbullying

Your cyberbullying stories. video

Animated real stories about cyberbullying and online friendships.

Your cyberbullying stories

Why do people bully? video

An animated video with voiceovers from children reading statements about why people might start behaving like a bully.

Why do people bully?
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