Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda looks at the relationship between the UK and Africa.
Radio 4,·12 episodes
1. "...monsters under the bed..."
A fourth series from Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda. 1/4
2. '... so I decided to date an AI...'
A fourth series from Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda.
3. "...comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable..."
4. '...I've started writing a will...'
How It All Began
The 'Haters'
The Helpers
Daliso Chaponda looks at UK and Africa charities and organisations.
Border Patrol
Comedian Daliso Chaponda looks at the relationship between the UK and Africa.
A third series from Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda
A third series from Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda.
Black History