Who told me it never shows here !!!
Posted: Monday, 04 February 2008 |
the snow was great wasn't it?! Just a shame it didn't last a bit longer - don't know who had more fun the adults or the kids!!! Good to see u back again
IL from harris
Hey Fred, glad you got some snow! I love the view from your house. All the best.
Jill from EK
White Van Man seems to have got stuck on the road. That's a very nice respectable snowlady. (I think someone stopped Tws from making a snow-woman, for reasons which will be very clear to anyone who follows his oevre...)
Flying Cat from tell-tale kit
Answer to your question Fred. Probably those who haven't lived there all that long. My boss who has been here all of 18 months continually makes wild statements about the weather and what we should expect. I'm just waiting for the next polar low to happen then the sceptics will see enough snow for the average lifetime.
Hyper-Borean from The fount of knowledge
Hi Fred Peter Fountain says hello doing his last job for us at the mo then on to his own house projects I'm not on line at the mo My modem has gone done with flu will contact you when back on line mate speak soon
Lou from b/stoke
Hi Lou, glad your well was alittle worried as you just disappeared, sent my regards to Peter F for me too. Speak soon
Fred from Point