Official: Stornoway *IS* Grey
Posted: Wednesday, 07 March 2007 |
You westernislers can be as grey as you please, but here in t'North, we are very brightly coloured...we do beige, we do magnolia, we do green, and, sometimes, blue and yellow. But not yellow and red, cos the Lord Lyon, he say non!
Flying Cat from I can sing a rainbow...
Well I've heard Herself say to her mother in the past that I've painted the town red. Although I have no recollection of ever having done so... Strange but brew!!!
Tws from somewhereovertherainbow
Do they do Marag Black?
Annie B from the usual
Is it a game?
Flying Cat from puzzled&confused
The Range Rover colour is Stornaway Gray not Stornoway
Easterner from Isle of Lewis
Maybe they should change that to 'Turbine Grey' or maybe they thought about effect of the wind farm and that's how they arrived. What about Skye Blue - also excellent name for a cheese!
calumetallic from Trueblue House Brue
Stornaway is where A' Chomhairle is based - according to the return address that their franking machine puts on envelopes.
MisterHobgoblin from ³§³Ù±ðò°ù²Ô²¹²ú³ó²¹²µ³ó
which shade of turbine grey?? Do you think they had to hold a grey chart up to the sky and pay a couple of thousand to decide which one as they apparently had to with the two lovely bright 'not ever matching the sky' grey turbines we have just now?? Someone needs an eye check...or their money back !! :-)
tanith from lewis