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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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Stornoway Sunday

What does Stornoway look like on a Sunday afternoon in April?

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 12:04


Well, AL, it looks prettyt empty if you ask me! Has no one come out of hibernation except you, or is everyone else in the Golf Club bar?

Barney from Swithiod and sacreligious

It's like Aberdeen on a flag day!

calumannabel from ness

Where are all the people? I spotted a couple of daring souls in photo 7, but otherwise are they all locked into the church? Amazing. I know most places are closed, but I would have expected there to be a few more human beings about. And surely the aliens wouldn't dare to attack on a Sunday? so it can't be that.

Jill from EK

At least there's nobody about to catch you taking photographs on a Sunday!

Les Ellingham from Stafford

Nice and peaceful it looks in those photographs. Why would any right minded person want to change the peace and tranquility of a Lewis Sunday ?

Rev. N.O. Sunday Ferry from Stornoway

Just when it seemed that the new spam fritter was finally working...many hours ago I thought the answer to the question was - dead! Many hours later...much the same. Kirkwall on a Sunday is not quite as quiet as that, but then Woolies is open and the garden centre, and in summer, the touristy shops...is there anything open there AL, or did you just get up very very early?

Flying Cat from looking for vital signs

Looks like everyone slept in. I would have thought that they were all in church, but the church looks just as deserted as the rest of the city.

CVBruce from CA, USA

The majority have probably just got to bed!

RJ Tenament from The Smoke

Soon fill up when the boat gets in !! all the day tripers rushing to find the best deals in the shops, or a round of golf.

looking for the quiet life from IOM

in number five someone was actually daring to go and drive a car on a SUNDAY put them in jail!

carol from over here

all your missing is the tumbleweed rolling through ur photos....

IL from harris

The pictures were taken between 4 and 4.30PM, as shown in picture 10. The only places open are the filling station, the pubs and a few restaurants. Two years ago, a cruiseliner came in on a Sunday, and the streets echoed to the sounds of 1200 Italians looking for shops. That were all shut. No transport for them either.

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

It could've been 4-4:30 a.m. We all know lighthouses never sleep... Nice to know the pubs are open...after all that enthusiastic a capella in the kirk there must be plenty dry throats!

Flying Cat from Bar Nessun Dorma

"after all that enthusiastic a capella in the kirk there must be plenty dry throats!" Yeah ... but you won't see them on the streets !! They've bought their carry out's on Saturday night from Henderson's !!

BW from Drinking, Golfing , Walking on Sunday Glasgow

Oh I can't believe that...not for a minute...

Flying Cat from a heap of red cans & a half bo"le

Never did go to Stornoway on a Sunday, Harris on a Sunday is as quiet as you ever want. Wonderfully empty beaches. AL, any chance you can post a picture of the replacement for the pyramid when it is completed?

jas from under mia's paw

excuse the ignorance but what is "somerfields"?

carol from in radar mode

Carol, Somerfields is one of the supermarkets in Stornoway.

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

thanks for enlighting me arnish! would you like me to send you over a lot of rain? we've got plenty to spare just now!

carol from where its pelting doon

It used to be Lipton's in some parts of the country Carol...have you never flown in a Sopwith Camel?

Flying Cat from big-yacht-racing-long-ago

Sadly the Golf Course is shut on a Sunday. But the TV is great and there's no law about buying booze from Somerfields (or Tesco as its about to become) for consumption on a Sunday! We can't hang our washing out on a Sunday without the wrath of tradition, so we can't go out with wet clothing :) Thank goodness for the day of rest (sorry, I mean football on TV!!)

Lewis Rangers Fan! from Heaven

me being me-i would hang washing out on a sunday-i remember jogging along rthe beach on a sunday morning and the minister being gobsmacked--at aultbeau(between gareloch and ullapool) circa 1980!!!!

carol from where its still pg down

I love, love, love quiet Sundays having previously lived on the main road to the local shopping centre on the mainland, long live quiet Sundays,

island threads from ness

We all like the quiet of a Sunday. But Quiet doesn't need to be oppresively so. I am sure that time and sense and justice will prevail and in the not distant future we may have a choice to do as we please after Church.

One of the oppressed from Stornoway

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