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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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Western Isles Health Board

Yesterday morning, the Audit Committee took more evidence on the financial and managerial problems at the Western Isles NHS Board, from senior officials within NHS Scotland. The focus was on the former Chief Executive, Dick Manson.

At the moment, Mr Manson is on secondment elsewhere within NHS Scotland, although he formally remains an employee of NHS Western Isles. He will, however, not return there at any point. The Western Isles NHS can therefore still take action against him, if they perceive that his performance during his time at Stornoway would justify doing so.

It was pointed out that there is a culture within NHS Scotland for people who have problems in post to be moved, rather than the problem addressed. Something that the Committee appeared to be flabbergasted by, as such would not be tolerated in the private sector.

Mr Manson's secondment was implemented in a unique way, with the position not previously advertised. There was no process of applications and interviews. NHS Scotland stated that this was a one-off, designed to permit NHS Western Isles to move on, and it was for the good of the public in the islands.

The current Chief Executive is suspended on full pay, funded by NHS Scotland.
An interim CEO is in post, paid for by the Health Board.
On balance, the Scottish taxpayer is funding three CEO's in the islands. That's good value for money, I don't think.

Meanwhile, the contentious Cook Report was released to the Audit Committee, who discussed it in private session.

This just gets worse and worse.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 17:04


not only are "people who have problems in post moved" but any staff who are treated unfairly and speak outside to family and friends are in breach of confidentiality. I thought "confidentiality" meant anything regarding the patient stayed within the 4 walls of the hospital. I hadn't realised it also referred to working conditions.The reason so many N.H.S staff are off sick with stress is that they have nowhere to go "to let of steam" the unions hands are also tied! What is really needed is somewhere ALL N.H.S.staff could have to post comments anonymously without fear of reprisal.

exnhs from glasgow

who,why,where,what,when and how.apply now.to all and everything specifiaclly the western isles.forgot the bcci scandel already.oh dear.

durban from whitby

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