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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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Park Windfarm

Read in a small article in the Press and Journal today, that Scottish and Southern Energy have discussed with the Park Trust proposals for siting a windfarm on their land. The turbine towers here will rear 500 feet above ground level, although their number was not disclosed. Total capacity would be around the 250 MW mark.

First of all, the Park Trust do NOT own the estateland in South Lochs just yet. They are currently entangled in a legal fight to wrest ownership from the sitting landlord and into community ownership.

Whether these turbines are part of the Eishken Windfarm, which is expected to gain planning consent from the Scottish Executive later this month, or a separate entity is not entirely clear to your writer. The 53-turbine Eishken Windfarm contains 6 turbines for the community of Kinloch, of which Pairc is a part.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 16:55


Those who know could have told you if you wanted to spread news, rather than ill-informed gossip. You oppose community windfarms? Another NIMBY!

Pairc from Pairc

The Pairc wind farm proposal (now down to around 65 turbines but about the original megawattage according to the figures quoted in the Press and Journal) by SSE has been well documented in the past and created a great deal of interest in South Lochs. It also highlights a glaring fault with the Land Reform Act. It is NOT part of the Eishken windfarm and is contained on a different estate. The SSE Pairc wind farm is the reason why there is a legal fight over the Pairc estate. Unsurprisingly, interest in buying the Pairc estate firmed up when SSE announced their plans way back in 2003. The community, under the Land Reform rules, applied to the Scottish Ministers to buy the whole estate even though the owner refuses to sell. The present owner is Pairc Crofters which has leased its rights in the land to a company called Pairc Renewables which, in turn, has leased wind-farm rights to an electricity generating company (SSE). This legality of this sort of use of an interposed lease is unknown and should be tested through the courts though why the government just did not use the new unwanted Crofting Reform Act to speed up the process nobody knows.

Jack from Nowhereville

Pairc from Pairc, I do not express opposition to the Park Windfarm in above piece. Neither am I opposed to community windfarms. It does help if you read what I write, rather than jump to conclusions.

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

My personal theory of those who accuse others of (N.I.M.B.Y."ism),is those who are not going have the the windfarms in there backyard.Isn,t it just great that democracy rules,and the moon is made of cheese,.

The New Point Bard from Point.

"Breaking News",Today a budding entrepreneur saw the real potential for the windfarms and took matters into his own hands by attaching a seat to the still blades of the turbine and strapped himself in.His intention was that if it was going to be in his back yard he had some rights and his intention was to fit four seats to provide the ultimate ride for anyone interested and of course making a great big profit from selling seats.However he had seemingly just managed to strap himself in when a gust of wind rotated the blades at such speed that he was catapulted into the air at high speed .It is reported that according to an r.a.f jet pilot sent out to intercept a ufo reported back to base that he had an alien in sight travelling in excess of mach 1,and spoke our native tongue,as it sounded suspisciously like H- -e- e- e- l- l - p although this was not confirmed because at that speed some of the letters could easily have been missed,.On returning to base the pilot was immediately commited for remedial treatment ,and the R.A.F, refuse to comment further on the state of the pilot at this time,. Isles fm where also reported to have had thousands of people reporting that they had seen an object streak across the sky,obviously the gentleman had had his clothes ripped of as he was catapulted into space,.However all is well,and the gentleman who"s name we cannot give is reported to have now landed safely in Newfoundland,and is now looking for a turbine to catapult himself back,as he has no money for the return journey.All donations greatfully appreciated,.

The Point Bard from Point

I think the tautological Bard should start his own blog...

Flying Cat from a linguistic coil

I don,t know whether to take that as a compliment or not because of the variables in what taughtoligical can mean,but whatever.,you pick any topic and write about and you can bet that seldom will two people will take the same meaning from it and it doesn,t matter if its serious or comedic,or both,in the articles we see on this blog you can see how people vary there minds eye on a given subject and thats interesting,and thats what am trying to stimulate,how people percieve what are potentially life changing issues for this Island,.And thats what its all about,nothing comes from a seed in a packet till its planted ,but once thats done and you nurture it.."Well" from little acorns big trees grow,.And if you add a bit of humour, to me personally thats a bonus,there is little reason for people to laugh at it seems to me these days. And am more than happy if at least my serious content is lacking ,if I acheive the latter and bring a smile to the odd face,maybe in itself I have achieved something,.Either way,thanks Flying cat and I take on board your comments,and who knows, maybe that blog is in the pipeline,.Many thanks,.

The New Point Bard from Point

Stop this squabbling at once, The important thing has to be to safeguard the beautiful wildness of Lewis from money grabbing landlards who have put nothing into the area and now want their cream gateaux(Not cake) as well as the ha'penny that they've already taken.

stunnered from Engerlant

But ,But,but, having a bicker helps you feel you didn,t relinquish that Gateaux without a sqaubble,and I like Gareaux aswell,.

Thevitalspark from Point

Historically 'all the clever ones left'. this leaves us in the present situation : with a few who stand to make cash bullying the rest of the community (those who would be bullied) into silence. Lies and B.S. not conducive to community cohesion and SSE etal quick to rail the devide. 5 community councillors decided Pairc supports Openhimlers Eisken fiasco, they could not have a ballot as "we don't know what to ask". We are looking at "New Clearances". and Labours 'Energy Colony' and a strong smell of colon.

maccadodo from Pairc

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