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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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Notes from a largish island

Compared to the rest of the country, we're getting off lightly. Today sees some mist and drizzle, but no fog. Temperatures at time of typing a very respectable 11C / 52F, which are on a par with Kirkwall and Lerwick. The ferry appears to be sailing normally, leaving the half hour delay this afternoon to one side. Makes a change from all the disruption earlier in the month due to high winds.

One of our weekly publications, the Hebridean, has had its last copy printed this week. It will be amalgamated into the Stornoway Gazette. This writer sits here puzzled, as I wasn't aware the Gazette was overly interested in matters in Skye. If I want to read Skye-related news I'll read the West Highland Free Press, as I've done for more than 10 years.

I will give my considered opinion that the Free Press is a wee bit too much pro-windfarm, and not writing in tandem with local opinion. Of course I'm on about the Lewis windfarm that nobody wants. The Free Press know my stance on this and even had the guts to publish a nasty letter from me some time back, berating them for abandoning their motto "The Land, The People, The Culture". In their own homeground (Skye), they have taken sides (pro-windfarm) in the saga surrounding the Edinbane windfarm. I'll leave it to blogger Skyemartyn to fill us in on that one.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody in the Scottish Islands a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2007. Similar wishes go out to readers in parts near and far.

Below image courtesy MyDsDesigns@aol.com

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 14:32


I think you'll find the pro windfarm stance of the Free Press has something to do with its founder, Brian Wilson and his present position within Amec or am I being cynical?

calumwindmill from ness

Arnish, are you really expecting us to oooh! and aaahh! over that rather garish design?? Tell me, old pal, it is a spoof (is it not?) ...

mjc from NM,USA

Happy christmas mate

rick from from lewis

A happy new year Arnish Lighthouse to you, but, are we in for another year of fighting to keep these islands out of the hands of the big developers/energy giants, who are using every trick in the book ( and some that aren't ) to turn these islands into a wasteland. I have not got nuch more fighting left in me, so I hope you have. Maybe that's what these people want, grind us down until we submit to their wishes. I'm also very suspicious of the council. Why did they try to rush the plans through, when they usually take years to decide on other matters? Maybe I'm wrong again, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

thewhitesettler from the croft lewis

... and all the best to you Arnish for the coming years!

mjc from NM,USA

I know the design is bright, garish is an unkind description. I quite agree with Calumwindmill that the Free Press's stance is due to the position taken by its founder.

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

I take it back, Arnish. Anything for you. Cheers.

mjc from NM,USA

thewhitesettler: the council have been talking about the windfarms for at least 6 years. The Scottish Executive set the timescale for the Council to consider the applications and the developer decides when to submit the applciation, starting the whole process. Perhaps you'd like to cite one - only one - example of the Council taking 'years to decide on other matters'? None - thought not. If ignorance is bliss ..... you must be a member of MWT

thelocalsettler from Stornoway

- thelocalsettler: "Perhaps you'd like to cite one - only one - example of the Council taking 'years to decide on other matters'? None - thought not. If ignorance is bliss ..... you must be a member of MWT"...well, Lingerabay Quarry springs to mind. Additionally, answering your own question in the same breath without first giving the original poster a chance to respond seems to me to display a mixture of dogmatic arrogance and contempt for those you are 'debating' with. All the same, a jolly HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL, and let's sort this windfarm fiasco out once and for all this year, eh?

Colin Oscapaidh from Lewis

Happy new year to you arnish. I hope that un like your namesake, you wern`t alone and neglected over the festive period due to the selfish attitued of thousands of acres of moorland before jobs. I also hope you were not paid off like I was at the end of november, and spent the christmas period out of work. Happy new year from Me, My family, My UB40, and most of all, from the birds that MIGHT fly into the turbine blades

Rickaay from Stornoway

What the eff is MWT, and shouldn't those who leave a comment register if they have an " interest " , BCCI, Lingerbay Quarry ( did you see what I did there - linger-) Does thelocalsettler work for our local council? Name calling is playground stuff, so grow up or at least recognize that other peoples opinions should be considered also, not yours and yours alone.

thewhitesettler from lewis

MWT = Moorland Without Turbines, the local action group, set up to combat the Lewis Windfarm. Wish they took a broader view in this debate. The local council here is blinded by the prospect of millions flowing from the lease of the land, not recognising that AMEC stands to make billions and are just pandering them off with beads and mirrors.

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

I realised after I had hit the return button, as Boy is always bringing home leaflets from MWT. I do get confused with initials from time to time to time ....

thewhitesettler from unconfused slightly

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