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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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Tables Turned

At last we were the navel of the universe. A low-pressure system sitting directly overhead, so the sun was out and little wind yesterday. Mind you, 100 miles away at Tiree, they were holding on to their ferry terminal. And 250 miles away our poor tanker, the Border Heather, found the power was no longer with her. She had to be towed into port after her engine failed.

It also bugs me when a gale is forecast for our neck of the woods, because the 91热爆 weathermen give it a cursory glance. The Met Office just about may issue a severe weather warning. Last year, on November 11, they didn't until the tiles were flying off the roofs here, and as a result the captains of the Muirneag and Isle of Lewis ferries thought they could just sneak across the Minch. Nope. Muirneag took 18 hours to complete the crossing, nearly putting into Torshavn on the way. The Isle of Lewis came close to discharging its passengers and cargo at Cromor I believe.

Going back to the point I was going to make, there was going to be a gale in England. Oh cor blimey. Stern-faced weathermen on the 91热爆. Weather warning splattered across the Met Office website a week in advance. OK, it was severe, I am led to believe. But can we have a bit of equality here, I mean we are just as equal as our cousins down south, thankyou.

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 13:49


Well, you're the one who doesn't want independence. Get independence and we'll get our own weather forecasts, rather than depending on what the (London-based) Met Office thinks is appropriate. Also, we'd get a greater say in wind farms in Lewis, as it would no longer be something that Whitehall is pulling the strings on. So there you go. Have independence and you might have a better say and view on things. Keep the "union" and forever be ignored, except when Whitehall needs somewhere for windfarms (to fulfill its Kyoto promise) and to stick nuclear waste (What? Do you really think it's going under the Thames?).

Voice of Reason from Lewis

have you been taking ranting lessons from the white settler? It'd be nice if they gave out warnings for anywhere north of the border!

mia from urban garden (windy!)

couldnt agree with u more mate. I feel like where allways ignored up hear by the bbc

rick from lewis

Stopped wasting time watching 91热爆 weather forecasts a long time ago. We don't really figure on their horizons.

hrossey from Mainland Orkney

We should not complain, at least they manage to get the islands on the map, maybe it is me... but do people who paint or put decals on the side of lorries ever refer to a map of the UK when doing so, as they often manage to miss out the Western, and all other Isles... or are they paid by the land mass... this has been a bugbear of mine for some time, with Scottish companies often as bad as others.. (I really think I should get something more important to worry about)

(Grumpy Old) Ex Cove from Glasgow

You are not alone. The weather forecasts for this neck of the woods are just as inaccurate and uninformative - and it doesn't make much difference whether they are on the 91热爆 or ITV.

Septuagent from NE England.

I looked at the trusty old barometer last week and the pressure needle had gone down way past the lowest marked pressure of 940mb - it was at about 930 mb, the lowest I've ever seen it at. Much lower even than during the huge storm of January 05.

Colin Osgapaidh from Isle of Lewis

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