Posted: Thursday, 30 November 2006 |
It's Friday, 1 December, and the first anniversary of Island Blogging in the Western Isles. The Argyll and Clyde islands had already been going for about 2 years, when all islands north and west of Ardnamurchan Point and south of Cape Wrath were also included in the the Island Blogging project.
On the whole, it's been a thoroughly enjoyable experience, although nothing is perfect. But the Fank Experience with Calumannabel, Niseach worthy, in April this year was unforgettable. I don't know if it was that event that prompted local bus company Galson Motors to acquire some decent rolling stock from Harris Coaches. Either that, or the exhaust pipe that parted company with a bus on Castle Street in Stornoway.
Harris Coaches, a Tarbert (Harris) based bus company, went under in 2006 after losing the lucrative contract to run the Leverburgh - Tarbert - Stornoway run to Stornoway rivals Hebridean Transport. Harris Coaches were reduced to doing school runs in Harris and charters for cruiseliners.
I am allegedly pleased with the outcome of the long-running Health Board saga.
I am not pleased with the windfarm saga. I notice that next Thursday at 8pm, the 91热爆2's Coast program is going to flag that up as an opportunity for economic regeneration. I have argued before that this is a false dawn, as the number of employees (if the scheme does come to fruition) will be quite limited. The Arnish Yard is closed following the liquidation of parent company Camcal - their demise forced the Stornoway Pier & Harbour Commission to write off a few thousand pounds over harbour dues that were never paid in 2003.
To my mind (and this is purely my own personal opinion), the 19 councillors who expressed an interest in a 拢10k to 拢20k severance payment must have had some prompting following their support for the impopular proposed windfarm. There were some memorable rows in community council rooms across Lewis, after councillors voted not in accordance with public opinion.
Well, here is to year 2 for Island Blogging (Western Isles), and I am actually pleased to see a Harris Blogger (come on Na Hearadh) and several other Lewis based ones.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 23:56
Arnish, my first post was published on Island Blogging on 1 November 2005!
BoB from Lewis
How far we have come.. when i left the island many years ago, I depended, as many others did, on the weekly, well worn copy of the Stornoway Gazette being meticulously wrapped and sent to the far corners of Glasgow in order that I could be kept abreast of the local 'news'... ten minutes reading usually did it!.. but now in this age of irradiated sushi, high tech guided tours of the Lews Chessmen site, and online booking for calmac, it is good to have a 'balanced', 'real-time' , funny and informative site. This is what the interweb is best at!!
Happy Birthday Arnish.. more power to your (mouse) elbow !!
Ex Cove from Glasgow
Well done Armish - you have been the backsbone of the site and long may you continue to post. I notice Alistair Darling with his Lewis connections has recently accepted a post in power so with Brian Wilson and him 'in the chair' the wind farms are probably a fait accompli whether anyone wants them or not. So all we can hope is they fall ill while on the island and entrust themselves to the local healthcare on offer. I'll try and get them to this year's fank - I know two spinsters from Adabrock that would keep them occupied!
calumannabel from The Left Luggage Office Skigersta Junction
Anyone got a receipe for a suitable birthday cake?
calumannabel from Mr Kipling Cottage Cross
seeing as this is an anniversary, it should be celebrated in style. - We can't have a party or a dram, or flowers - how about a joke? AL style?
scallowawife from shetland
great work mate keep it up!
rick from point
Camcal has not (yet) gone into liquidation as you suggest.
It did not even exist in in 2003 so the recent 拢3000 write-off by the port authority does not relate to it.
I think you are confusing the situation with Cambrian Engineering - a totally different company which is in administration and owed the port auhtority the cash.
Iain Macleod from Lewis
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