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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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NHS Western Isles are a truly generous contractor towards their GPs. For being on-call for one night can earn the doctor 拢1,000. This is before any call-outs have happened. Do they get a lot of call-outs in this corner of Scotland? Not a lot, by all accounts. Some nights, none at all.

A few days ago, I had a swipe at the situation down in Barra, where one GP practice earns 拢300k per annum. Apparently, all these figures are government policy. I seem to remember that the Prime Minister was going to pour 拢91bn into the NHS some time ago. This is one heck of a way of spending it. It will be one contributory factor towards the mountainous deficit that NHS Western Isles faces.

I am NOT saying that doctors do not deserve a decent pay packet. At the end of the day, everyone may find their life depending on the doctor. He or she can be called out at all hours to deal with emergencies. But I do think that a good hard look needs to be taken at this situation. Spending 拢30,000 a month for a doctor being on call at night is excessive.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 23:22


Good lord you can get a half decent footballer for that sort of money!

calumannabel from Training fast to be a GP

At 30K a month - in five months you could have enough to open a bed and breakfast in Back!

Dr Hamish Snoddy from Oliver's Brae Health Centre Lewis

These doctors have to go the distance against one on the mainland just think of the weather and the lack of street lights in areas and the time it will take them to carry out a home call. I think they are worth the money

Margaret Todd Sweeney from Grangemouth near Falkirk

Just to put GP salary into context. GP's are consultant equivalent yet until the new contract in 2004 they were getting half the normal salary of an NHS consultant despite covering their own out of hours. Being a GP is not a prestigous or well regarded career choice amongst the younger (I am 28) medical professionals therefore GP recruitment and retention hit crisis levels. If you look back in 2003 it was taking over a year sometimes to fill posts even in desirable geographic locations. Why should the average GP salary who works average hours not be the same as an average NHS consultant salary? But you are not talking about an average GP salary as the hours are 24/7. I think that is 拢35 pounds an hour. (my husband earns that as a locum anaesthetic registrar) Down here 拢300 000 would get you a GP for day and night cover during the week, night cover at weekends but you would have to find a bit extra to cover daytime weekends - you have got a bargain!! How many times do you think a dermatology consultant would get called out when they are on call? The call out frequency does not affect their salary! If you look at the new 'choose and book' system which seems to be an IT and admin disaster - how many million did that cost? I think you'll find a lot of deficit hidden there. And in paying trusts to meet their 4 hour A&E targets, and paying surgeons and anaesthetists to come in at weekends for extra operations to meet waiting list initiatives (nice little earner) and...... I could go on!

happy doc (not a GP though!) from lake district

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