Laurie Taylor talks to the social anthropologist, Professor about the paradox of successful field work.
In order to study a group of, for example, prisoners, patients or gang members, researchers must immerse themselves in the group’s way of life. But the trade-off in terms of understanding may be loss of objectivity and a dangerous over-identification with the people being studied.
Laurie Taylor gets an alternative perspective on the international marriage trade.
All too often such marriages are stereotyped as an extension of the sex trade with rich American men exploiting impoverished and desperate women from the Far East. But sociologist has uncovered a much more multi-faceted picture of the men and women who romance on a global scale. Through interviews and correspondence she has uncovered a diverse group, with different opinions, experiences and motivations who rather resent their image as victims and oppressors.
By letter and e mail the couples often embark on a long courtship before they even meet and rather than sex, romance is the keynote of their relationships.
Additional information:
Professor of Anthropology and Research Professor at the University Centre for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh
Romance on a Global Stage – Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnography, and “Mail Order” Marriages University of California Press ISBN 0520238702
Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Filipina Workers Cornell University Press
ISBN 0801483824
Christian Souls and Chinese Spirits: A Hakka Community in Hong Kong University of California Press ISBN 0520083849
Department of Human Sciences, Social Anthropology, Brunel University
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