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Gerwyn Parri
Actor: Aled Pugh
Dyn teulu ydi Gerwyn, wedi priodi ei gariad cyntaf, Jaclyn. Mae hefyd yn Dad i efeilliaid – Tesni a Guto. Mecanic yw ei waith, ond nid ceir go iawn yn unig sy’n mynd a’i fryd. Mae hefyd yn casglu modeli o geir bach! Nid un i sefyll yn ôl a chadw’n dawel ‘mo Gerwyn, mae ganddo foesau cryf.
Gerwyn is a family man, having married his first love, Jaclyn. He is a father to twins - Tesni and Guto. He is a mechanic by trade, but it is not just real cars that he loves. He also collects models of small cars! Gerwyn is not a push over, he has strong morals.