Episode 26
Olympian badminton player Kirsty Gilmour joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio and tells Iona about her busy year on the court.
Olympian badminton player Kirsty Gilmour joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio. Making her debut on the show, Kirsty tells Iona about her busy year on the court. In the 360 extended feature interviews, the duo hear from Erin McIlvaney, a young badminton player soon to be competing at the World Transplant Games in Australia. And Scottish archer Lucy Coutts talks about her dream of becoming the first Scot to be selected for the Olympics in over two decades.
‘S i a bhan-Oilimpigeach agus cluicheadair badmantan Kirsty Gilmour a tha còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne ann an stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain-sa. A’ nochdadh air a’ phrògram airson a’ chiad uair, tha Kirsty a’ bruidhinn ri Iona an dèidh bliadhna thrang a’ cluich. Anns na h-aithrisean 360, cluinnidh iad bho Erin McIlvaney, tè bhadmantan òg a bhios a’ cluiche a dh’aithghearr aig na Geamaichean Thar-Phlanntachadh na Cruinne ann an Astrà ilia. Cuideachd, tha bodhadair Albannach Lucy Coutts a’ bruidhinn mu h-amas faighinn gu na Geamaichean Oilimpigeach, a chiad Albannach a bhios air sin a dhèanamh airson barrachd air fichead bliadhna.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Iona Ballantyne |
- Sat 4 Mar 2023 19:45
- Wed 8 Mar 2023 22:30
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