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Episode 24

Episode 24 of 38

Scottish karate sensation Niamh Junner talks to Iona Ballantyne about her career in martial arts. At Glenrothes Strollers football club, we learn about their women's and girls' pathway.

It’s our 100th episode of 360 this week and we have a new guest joining Iona Ballantyne in the studio. Scottish karate sensation Niamh Junner tells Iona about her career in martial arts. Staying with martial arts, we hear about the life and career of taekwondo’s Neve McPhillie. At Glenrothes Strollers football club, we learn about their women's and girls' pathway.

‘S e an ceudamh prògram de 360 a th’ann an t-seachdain ‘sa agus tha aoigh ùr còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne san stiùidio. Tha rionnag karate na h-Alba, Niamh Junner a’ bruidhinn ri Iona mun dreuchd thuige seo ann an ealain mhàirsealach. Agus mar as àbhaist air 360, bi sinn a’ cur nan boireannaich iongantach san spòrs fon phrosbaig le dà sgeulachd shònraichte. An toiseach, bi sinn a’ fuireach le ealain mhàirsealach gus cluinntinn mu bheatha agus dreuchd aig tè-taekwondo Neve McPhillie’ agus an t-seachdain-sa, thadhail 360 air sgioba ball-coise na Glenrothes Strollers gus tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mun iomairt acasan.

35 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Iona Ballantyne
