Jordan Gray - The Johnny Fly By Nightly (Part 2)
With comedian Jordan Gray. *Part 2*
*This is part 2 of Jordan Gray's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*
It's always a special occasion at The Moon Under Water when we're joined by a guest who has knowledge of the inner workings of a pub, and this week is no exception. Our guest has not only been lucky enough to see behind the magicians cloth and witness the pipes and barrels with their own eyes... they've actually LIVED in a pub. Joining us in the Correct Realm this week is comedian Jordan Gray!
Jordan actually grew up in a pub, so it's safe to say she knows her stuff. It's also safe to say that she is one of the most talented comedians around, and her recent Edinburgh show 'Is It A Bird' was a super smash hit. But will her dream pub be a super smash hit? Only if she's able to win over the Landlord and his regular...