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Episode 15

Episode 15 of 38

This week on 360, Iona Ballantyne welcomes football legend, Julie Fleeting, back to the studio. They reflect on the SWNT鈥檚 first U23 fixtures in over a decade.

This week on 360, Iona Ballantyne welcomes football legend, Julie Fleeting, back to the studio. They reflect on the SWNT鈥檚 first U23 fixtures in over a decade, hear from community club coach of the year, Rajani Tyagi, and Airdrie goalkeeper Stacey McCallum, who as well as keeping goal for her club, tells 360 about how she recently tackled Mount Kilimanjaro.

An t-seachdain 鈥榮a air 360, tha Iona Ballantyne a鈥� cur f脿ilte air laoch ball-coise, Julie Fleeting, air ais dhan sti霉idio. Bheir iad s霉il air ais air a鈥� chiad gheama aig sgioba nam ban aig Alba fo aois 23 airson deich bliadhna, cluinnidh iad bho coidse coimhearsnachd na bliadhna, Rajani Tyagi, agus tha t猫-ghl猫idhidh 脌rd-Ruigh Stacey NicCallum, ag innse do 360, a bharrachd na bhith eadar na puist airson a鈥� chluba aice, chuir i roimhpe Mount Kilimanjaro a shreap bho chionn ghoirid.

35 minutes
