Episode 37
Scotland rugby player Rachel Law makes her debut on 360 with Iona Ballantyne. Bidh an cluicheadair rugbaidh na h-Alba, Rachel Law còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne air 360.
This week, Scotland rugby player Rachel Law makes her debut appearance on 360 with Iona Ballantyne. They look back on the match that saw Scotland progress to the forthcoming Rugby World Cup and they hear how Scotland hockey player Amy Costello is hoping to make her country proud at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
An t-seachdain sa, airson a’ chiad uair tha cluicheadair rugbaidh na h-Alba, Rachel Law còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne air 360. Bheir iad sùil air ais air a’ gheama aig Alba far an d’fhuair iad troimhe gu Cupa Rugbaidh na Cruinne agus cluinnidh iad bho cluicheadair hocaidh na h-Alba, Amy Costello agus mu na dòchasan aice air thoiseach air na Geamaichean a’ Cho Fhlaitheis ann am Birmingham.
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Women's Sport 360 - S2 - Ep37
Duration: 32:40