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Cricket Scotland President, Sue Strachan, joins Iona Ballantyne for this week’s 360. Tha Ceann-Suidhe Criogaid Alba, Sue Strachan an cuide ri Iona Ballantyne an t-seachdain sa.

Cricket Scotland President, Sue Strachan, joins Iona Ballantyne for this week’s 360. As well as catching up on what’s going on in the Scottish cricket scene, they hear from bowler Abtaha Maqsood on her love for the game and representing Scotland. And from Scotland to the USA, UFC fighter Casey O’Neill is flying the flag for the Scots on a seven game winning streak on the biggest MMA stage in the world. She tells 360 her story.

Tha Ceann-Suidhe Criogaid Alba, Sue Strachan an cuide ri Iona Ballantyne air 360 an t-seachdain sa. A bharrachd air na tha a’ dol ann an saoghal criogaid na h-Alba, cluinnidh iad bhon bhobhlair Abtaha Maqsood agus am meas a th’ aice air a’ ghèam’ agus mu bhith a’ riochdachadh Alba. Cuideachd bho Alba gu Na Stàitean Aonaichte, tha neach-sabaid UFC Casey O’Neill air seachd sabaid a bhuinnig às dèidh a chèile agus tha i air bratach is ìomhaigh na h-Alba a thogail air an àrd-ùrlar as motha san spòrs aice. Fhuair 360 facal oirre gus an sgeulachd aice innse.

Release date:

30 minutes
