Rethink Episodes Available now
What Japan can teach us—Rethink Population
4/5 Japan is ageing fast, so what can it teach us about living in an old society?
Living in a young country—Rethink Population
3/5 Some countries face a huge growth in young people - will it be good or bad for them?
The Great British Baby Bust—Rethink Population
2/5 Amol Rajan and guests rethink what falling fertility rates mean for Britain's future.
Is demography destiny?—Rethink Population
1/5 Amol Rajan and guests rethink some of our long-held assumptions about demography.
Technology and Education—Rethink Education
5/5 Can technology help shape the future of education? Amol Rajan and guests discuss.
Are we teaching the right subjects for the future of the country?—Rethink Education
4/5 Should higher education investment focus on vocational skills or academic knowledge?
Is the current exam system fit for purpose?—Rethink Education
3/5 Is the current exam system working for all students or is it no longer fit for purpose?
Can school make up for what's lacking at home?—Rethink Education
2/5 Can early years and primary schools make up for lack of provision at home? With Amol Rajan
What is education for?—Rethink Education
1/5 What is education for? Amol Rajan and guests discuss rethinking education post-pandemic.
Jude Browne: Rethinking Responsibility
Professor Jude Browne looks at how we tackle the concept of responsibility post-pandemic