No music, no commentary – just the beautiful sights and sounds of nature.
Ultra high speed camera reveals hidden beauty and wonder among insects flying over a pond.
Toby Strong captures the essence of Dartmoor.
Ultra high speed camera reveals the detail in butterflies and geese taking to the air.
Lap up the beauty of the Lake District courtesy of Lyndsey MacRae.
An exploration of the secret life in a Cornish hedge by Josh Tarr.
Cameraman Jim Manthorpe captures the beautiful wildlife of Loch Aline
A low-light camera brings the magic of night alive.
Relish some of the stunning sounds and sights of wild Norfolk from cameraman Josh Jaggard.
Relax with a moment a woodland wonder by cameraman Lindsay McCrae.
A dipper's-eye-view of the Wye Valley.
Cameraman, Ian Llelwyn captures the essence of a sunny spring day in an old apple orchard.
Cameraman Raymond Besant captures the fantastic light and wildlife of the Orkney islands