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Cuspairean Sòisealta
Animations on the advent and changing uses of Scottish Castles over the centuries.
Sùil air Caistealan ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba, a' rannsachadh dè na togalaichean a bha a' toirt dìon do dhaoine ro chaistealan, mar a thug Rìgh Daibhidh I caistealan a dh'Alba, mar a chaidh cuid a chleachdadh airson adhbharan eadar-dhealaichte tro chogaidhean agus mar a tha diofar chaistealan air an cumail suas an-diugh.
A look at the role of Castles in Scottish history, exploring what defences there were before castles, their introduction to Scotland during the reign of King David I, how some castles were repurposed used during wartime, and what their uses are today.
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Ionnsaich le 91Èȱ¬ ALBA
Cruinneachadh de phrògraman foghlaim.