Bitesize Daily: 9-11 Year Olds Episodes Available now
Addition and Subtraction—Maths
Learn about decimal place value and decimal problem solving.
Relationships and Connections—Wellbeing
Learning about being part of community.
How to use parenthesis, semi-colons and colons.
Negative Numbers—Maths
Learn about negative numbers and adding and subtracting.
English – Writing Poetry—English
Poetical devices, understanding poem structure, and writing in the style of Joshua Seigal.
12- and 24-hour clocks, reading timetables, and counting up time.
Coping with Change—Wellbeing
Controlling the path of change, developing resilience, knowing when to ask for help.
Proofreading Own Writing—English
Proofreading skills and inserting words.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages—Maths
Learn about decimals, simplifying tenths and hundredths,decimals and percentages.
Learn how to support persuasive points with evidence.