Bitesize Daily: 7-9 Year Olds Episodes Available now

Thinking Positively—Wellbeing
Learn about thinking and feeling good, and positive thinking practise.

Reading to Infer—English
Learn about inferring character鈥檚 feelings and what characters say and think.

Position and Direction—Maths
Learn about position and direction.

English - Spoken Language—English
Learn about listening carefully, standard English and reviewing a performance.

Maths - Properties of Shapes—Maths
Learn about triangles, parallel and perpendicular lines, and right-angle turns.

Well-being - Sleep and Exercise—Wellbeing
Learn about the effects of poor sleep and how exercise can be fun.

English - Reading to Understand—English
Learn about the meaning of words in context, discussing books and asking questions.

Maths - Volume, Capacity and Mass—Maths
Learn about measuring mass and capacity, and matching measures.

Word Classes—English
Learn about themes, words that capture interest and phrases that capture interest.

Measuring Length—Maths
Learn how to add and subtract lengths, measure perimeter of 2D shapes and convert lengths.