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'More women from minority backgrounds should cycle'

A group of Muslim women who set up their own cycling group are on a mission to get more females from minority backgrounds on their bikes.

The women, from Peterborough, say it can be difficult finding female-friendly groups to join and there are stigmas to exercising in public.

Research by Sport England shows only about 10% of female cyclists are from ethnic backgrounds.

"I think more women from minority backgrounds should take up cycling," said 39-year-old Naheed Kausar from the Peterborough Women's Association. "It's a great way to socialise with other ladies and it's also a great way of improving your health and fitness."

New cyclist Soraya Royker, 43, added: "If other ladies were to see me on my bike with my hijab and see that I'm wearing normal clothes... [it will] hopefully inspire other women to join our group."

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