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Reading and Dusseldorf: The Tale of June and Gretel

How two towns and two little girls became lifelong friends

How did a little girl from Dusseldorf end up in a school photograph in Reading?

In 1947, the Mayor of Reading Phoebe Cusden decided to extend the hand of friendship to a bomb-ruined city in Germany, so recently Britain's arch-enemy.

In the face of fierce opposition from some quarters, she invited six children from Dusseldorf to come to Reading.

It was the start of a town-twinning and friendship that has lasted 70 years.

Written and produced by Chris Browning

June - Lucy James
Gretel - Isabella Offelder


Lucy Attenborough-Tyler
Ann-Cathrin Barth
Lily B枚ttcher
Abigail Butler
Sylvie Cattelani
Annika Engel
Lukas Migsch
Ben Shepherd
Freya Shute
Emily Sweetnam
Millie Young


Andy Jones
Faye Harland
Duncan McLarty
Adam Whitty

With thanks to:

June Whitcombe
Gretel Rieber

Ben Adams and The Holt School, Wokingham
Madlen Pieles and Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium, Dusseldorf
Reading-Dusseldorf Twinning Association
Berkshire Record Office
Dusseldorf Stadtarchiv
Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf

Release date:


28 minutes