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The Bonniest Lass

A song by Robert Burns, written in 1785.

The bonniest lass that ye meet neist,
Gie her a kiss an' a' that,
In spite o' ilka parish priest,
Repentin' stool, an' a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
Their mim-mou-d sangs an' a' that,
In time and place convenient,
They'll do't themselves for a' that.

Your patriarchs in days o' yore,
Had their handmaids an' a' that;
O' bastard gets, some had a score
An' some had mair than a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
Your langsyne saunts, an' a' that,
Were fonder o' a bonnie lass
Than you or I, for a' that.

King David, when he waxed auld,
An's bluid ran thin, an' a' that,
An' fand his cods were growin' cauld,
Could not refrain, for a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
To keep him warm an' a' that,
The dochters o' Jerusalem
Were waled for him, an' a' that

Wha wadna pity thae sweet dames
He fumbled at, an' a' that,
An' raised their bluid up tae the flames
He couldna drown, for a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
He wanted pith, an' a' that;
For, as to what we shall not name,
What could he do but claw that.

King Solomon, prince o' divines,
Wha proverbs made, an' a' that,
Baith mistresses an' concubines
In hundreds had, for a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
Tho' a preacher wise an' a' that,
The smuttiest sang that e'er was sung
His Sang o' Sangs is a' that.

Then still I swear, a clever chiel
Should kiss a lass, an' a' that,
Tho' priests consign him to the deil
As reprobate, an' a' that.
For a' that an' a' that,
Their canting stuff, an' a' that,
They ken nae mair wha's reprobate
Than you or I, for a' that.

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2 minutes

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