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Amazing animals: Deer

Deer are usually born in Spring. Gemma Hunt looks at how this can reflect a fresh start

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15 minutes


  • Introduction

    Gemma introduces the topic of new animals being born in Spring

    Duration: 00:55

  • Song

    'It's a new day' No.106

    Duration: 02:16

  • Voxpops

    Children talk about what they like about Spring

    Duration: 00:47

  • Interview

    Lyme Park's head ranger Chris Dunkerley talks about looking after Deer

  • Story

    Samuel is about to go away for new beginnings - but how will his brother feel?

    Duration: 06:25

  • Reflection

    Gemma reflects on how Spring can be a time for change and regeneration

    Duration: 01:25


  • Fri 11 Mar 2016 03:00

Teacher's Notes - Spring 2016

Complete Teacher's Notes for Spring 2016
