On the Move Episodes Available now
Beating Car Thieves
New technology to combat car thieves and the untapped potential of the Chinese car market
The world's newest and biggest cruise ship includes a grand staircase and waterfall
The Brox Bike
Could the four wheel bike designed by Tony Brox replace the delivery van?
Traffic Master
A technological solution to traffic congestion. Also the worlds first electric police car
Air Pollution
Could oxygenated fuel be the answer air pollution?
The MV Derbyshire Sinking Inquiry
The MV Derbyshire sinking inquiry. Also the launch of a new MG sports car
Denver International Airport
The opening of Denver International Airport in Colorado
French Seamen Strike
French seamen object to the hiring of Polish crews
Flags of Convenience
Why do one fifth of the world's ships fly flags of convenience?
El Al Israel Airlines
The privatisation of El Al Airlines. Also the resurrection of the Austin Healey Mk1