The Radio 3 Documentary Episodes Available now
The Hidden Reservoir
Carlo Gebler on the role of art in remembrance and reconciliation in Northern Ireland
Power Plays
How theatre challenged the East German government - but was swept aside as communism fell
Al Andalus - The Legacy
Andrew Hussey journeys through Andalusia searching for the legacy of Muslim Spain
Plot 5779: Unearthing Elizabeth Siddall
Actor Lily Cole plays Elizabeth Siddall who climbs out of her grave to tell her story.
Cold War in Full Swing - Louis Armstrong in the GDR
Kevin Le Gendre discovers how Louis Armstrong came to play jazz in communist East Germany
Sir Isaac Newton and the Philosopher's Stone
Dafydd Mills Daniel investigates Isaac Newton's more obscure studies in Alchemy.
A Unicorn Quest
Hetta Howes sets off to find the unicorn of myth in 21st century Britain.
Literary Pursuits: Lord of the Flies
Golding's classic novel was saved from being rejected by Faber by the luckiest chance.
Robinson Crusoe Road-Trip
300 years since Robinson Crusoe was published, Emma Smith traces it across the centuries
Alexander Korda: Producer, Director, Exile, Spy
Matthew Sweet unearths the film-maker Alexander Korda's wartime role as a British agent.