Na prògraman Rèidio is Tbh a thèid a chraoladh thairis air seachdain a' Mhòd.
Cuirm na h-Òigridh beò bho Mhòd Phà islig còmhla ri Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill.
Mary Ann Kennedy presents successful performers from the Children's Mod in Paisley.
Mary Ann Kennedy presents songs, poetry and fun from the Paisley Children's Mod.
Prògram sònraichte le farpaisich a' Mhòid còmhla ri Janice Ann beò bho stiùidio Ghlaschu.
Megan and Derek take a trip to Paisley for the Mod.
Join Mary Ann Kennedy and special guests as they recount favourite Mod moments.
A' Chuirm-chiùil Dheireannach beò à Mòd Phà islig còmhla ri Art MacCarmaig.
Mary Ann Kennedy introduces the main choral winners from the final prize-winners' concert.