Mae perygl i gynlluniau i godi ffermydd gwynt yn y canolbarth rwygo rhai o gymunedau Sir Drefaldwyn. There鈥檚 a danger that plans to develop wind farms and pylons in Mid Wales will split communities in Montgomeryshire.
Mae perygl i gynlluniau i godi ffermydd gwynt yn y canolbarth rwygo rhai o gymunedau Sir Drefaldwyn. Yn 么l amryw sydd o blaid y cynlluniau, mae ymddygiad rhai sy鈥檔 protestio yn eu herbyn yn eu gwneud nhw鈥檔 ofnus o ddangos eu cefnogaeth i ynni gwynt. Mae Taro Naw wedi a siarad 芒 nifer sydd ofn mynegi barn yn gyhoeddus, ac mae na bryder am effaith hir-dymor y rhwyg ar rai o gymunedau鈥檙 ardal.Mae na wrthwynebiad cryf i鈥檙 cynlluniau i godi tri ar hugain fferm wynt newydd yn yr ardal. Fe aeth mil a hanner o drigolion y canolbarth i Gaerdydd i brotestio y llynedd. Ond pryder rhai o drigolion Powys yw bod llais y rhai sy鈥檔 cefnogi鈥檙 cynlluniau yn cael ei foddi oherwydd natur y protestio yn erbyn. There鈥檚 a danger that plans to develop wind farms and pylons in Mid Wales will split communities in Montgomeryshire. According to several of those in favour of the plans, the behaviour and attitude of some protesters makes them afraid to show their support for wind energy. Taro Naw has spoken to people who are afraid of expressing their interest publicly, and there are fears for the long term impact of the split on some of the area鈥檚 communities.There is strong opposition to plans to build 23 new wind farms in the area. Last year 1,500 people travelled from Mid Wales to Cardiff to protest. But some people from Powys are worried that the voices of those who support the plans are not being heard because of the nature of opposition protests. Transmitted on 23/10/12 at 9pm.