Adam Beaini Profile
Adam is 24 and originally from Leeds. A born 'charmer' with a strong family background in medicine, his mum was a doctor, his dad is a psychiatrist and even his big brother is a practicing GP. Adam aspires to work in emergency medicine and knew from an early age that this was what he wanted to do.
As part of his foundation year one, Adam will be based on the respiratory ward which deals with long-term cancer sufferers and people with lung conditions. As the placement progresses, Adam will cover the nightshift as well as be on call, both of which are frantic, high octane jobs.
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More clips from Series 1 - Your Life In Their Hands
Adam's night shift—Episode 5
Duration: 02:56
Keir's first child operation—Episode 6
Duration: 06:35
Suzi's brush with an unusual problem—Episode 4
Duration: 01:34
Keir's hands-on experience—Episode 3
Duration: 01:03
More clips from Junior Doctors
Junior Doctors: On The Front Line
Duration: 00:13