Rising Sea Levels
Adam Shaw interviews Robert Nicholls who is professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Southampton about the need to plan for increasingly disruptive sea levels.
This time on Horizons, Adam Shaw is interviewing Robert Nicholls who is professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Southampton in the UK. An internationally recognised authority in his field, Nicholls has spent decades studying the impact of climate on the world's coastlines.
Globally leading scientists talk of rising sea levels with more flooding and an increase in the number of super storms in the years to come. Their message is that the climate of the future will not be the climate of the past. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has predicted sea-levels could rise by as much as 59 cm by the turn of the next century. This could affect over 600 million people living in low-lying coastal areas in 180 countries.