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Celtic welcome Glasgow City in a top-of-the-table clash in the SWPL. Live coverage from the ZLX stadium in Hamilton in the company of Micheal Steele and commentator Derek MacKay.

Celtic welcome Glasgow City in a top-of-the-table clash in the SWPL. Live coverage from the ZLX stadium in Hamilton in the company of Micheal Steele and commentator Derek MacKay.

Oidhche h-Aoine agus geama ball-coise bhon SWPL le Celtic a’ cur fàilte air Glasgow City. Geama cudromach aig mullach an lìog leis an dà sgioba a’ strì airson an tiotail. Beò à Phàirce ZLX ann an Hamilton ann an cuideachd Micheal Steele agus an neach-aithris Derek MacAoidh.

Release date:

2 hours, 10 minutes
