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Neil Young’s ‘Out On The Weekend’

Shetland singer-songwriter Malachy Tallack draws our attention to a mishap in Neil Young’s ‘Out on the Weekend’ studio recording - impossible to unhear once you have heard it.

In this series of The Essay, five leading cultural voices choose a great work of art and talk about a small, under-appreciated aspect of the piece that carries great meaning for them.

For this edition, Shetland singer-songwriter and author of Sixty Degrees North and That Beautiful Atlantic Waltz, Malachy Tallack, draws our attention to the briefest of mishaps in Neil Young’s ‘Out on the Weekend’ studio recording. An error which he describes as impossible to unhear once you have heard it.

Producer: Emma Betteridge

Available now

14 minutes


  • Mon 10 Mar 2025 21:45

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