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Episode 4

With her career hanging in the balance, it’s Kat’s last chance to catch Mary’s killer. Leis an obair aice cugallach, seo an cothrom mu dheireadh aig Kat murtair Mary a lorg.

A desperate Kat realises Eilidh’s close bond with Sir Douglas means she would be the only person who can find out the truth of what happened the night Lady Mary was murdered. But with no love lost between herself and Eilidh, can she convince her to help?

Kat investigates deep into Eilidh’s past to uncover something that she hopes will make her waver.
In a tense final exchange, Sir Douglas and Kat finally come face to face, as she confronts the demons of her past in an attempt to bring Lady Mary’s killer to justice.

Tha Kat a’ tuigsinn gu bheil an dàimh làidir eadar Eilidh is Sir Douglas a’ ciallachadh gur i Eilidh an aon neach a gheibh an fhìrinn mu mhurt Lady Mary – ach am faigh Kat air toirt oirre a cuideachadh? Tha Kat a’ rannsachadh eachdraidh Eilidh agus a’ faighinn lorg air rudeigin a tha i an dòchas a bheir buaidh oirre.
Mu dheireadh thall, tha Sir Douglas agus Kat a’ tighinn aghaidh ri aghaidh, le ise a’ seasamh mu choinneamh an eachdraidh aice fhèin gum faigh ceartas làmh an uachdair air murtair Lady Mary.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

11 months left to watch

49 minutes

Audio described


Sat 22 Feb 2025 21:50

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