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Sgrìobhte anns na Rionnagan Èirinn

Tha trioblaid aig Seán loidhnichean a leughadh ’son dealbh-chluich. Ciamar a thèid dha? Seán has a problem reading lines for a play. How will he get on?

Tha bhith na speuradair san dealbh-chluich nas cudromaich' do Sheán na leughadh is obair-dhachaigh. Gu mì-fhortanach ge-tà, tha loidhnichean rin leughadh is rin ionnsachadh ’son a’ phrìomh phàirt. Ciamar a thèid dha?

Being an astronaut in the play is more important to Seán than reading and homework. Unfortunately, there are lines to be read and learnt for the main part. How will he get on?

Release date:

14 minutes
